Top 3 defenses against viruses

Our prayer switchboard has been busier than Sistertech can remember. (Well, there was the Y2K hysteria, but that’s a whole other matter.)

There are some nasty viruses out there, folks. Sistertech wants to remind you that you are never alone. Never. In addition to The One In Charge, there are some of the saints whose job is to protect you and your tech equipment from harm. Keep these prayers handy.

1. For Protection from Worms, Viruses and Other Plagues

Let your continual mercy, O One In Charge, cleanse and defend your servants’ computers. Protect and govern these computers by your goodness because they cannot continue in safety without your help.

2. St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of hackers. Ask The One In Charge to rebuke them, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly ISP, by the power of The One In Charge, thrust into hell _____ (state name of the operating system you despise) and all daemons who prowl about cyberspace seeking the ruin of computer users.

3. The Lord’s Prayer

When you surf the Internet do not heap up browser windows as some users do, who think they will access more websites because of their many screens. Do not be like them, for The One In Charge knows what you need before you click a link.

Surf the ‘Net this way:
Our portal in cyberspace,
hallowed be thy domain.
Your will be done,
on my desktop as it is on your server.

Give us this day our daily bandwidth.
And forgive us our neighbor netting
as we forgive those who steal wireless from us.
And do not bring us to the time of ctl-alt-del,
but rescue us from malicious viruses and worms.
For thine is the kernel, the processor,
and the gigaPOP forever.

9 thoughts on “Top 3 defenses against viruses”

  1. إذا كنت تبحثين عن أحدث صيحات الموضة وتصاميم مميزة تناسب جميع الأذواق، تصفحي مجموعتنا الجديدة. ستجدين كل ما تحتاجينه لإطلالة مثالية

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