Sneak peek at The Book of Uncommon Prayer

Until the release date of March 1, Sistertech will be offering a daily glimpse into her book, The Book of Uncommon Prayer. I was worried at first because there are a few books out already with titles quite similar to mine. My book, of course, is truly edifying. The others? Well, I would rather not say.

Gabriel was concerned about market saturation and marketing in general. When he suggested I consider offering a money back guarantee I was quite taken aback. Sistertech does not need to coerce those she serves into allowing her to improve their lives! Whoever heard of such a thing?

But Gabriel means well. Moreover, he probably has a point. When he does Voice Overs or Press Releases for The One In Charge, there’s never any need for gimmicks such as rebate offers or “But wait! There’s more!” nonsense. Even Sistertech acknowledges that she has not Gabriel’s skill for communicating with those lower than herself.

When Gabriel speaks, people listen. And no one can recall any person not taking what he said seriously. What with that James Earl Jones-y, sonorous voice, and the great scripts he’s given, there’s a 100% conversion rate when goes out on a cold calls.

I can’t compete with that.

No. The best I can do is simply let the wisdom contained in The Book of Uncommon Prayer speak to those who have ears to hear. To that end I shall post more prayers for you to read and shall send out these precious Tweets until the book’s release.

Confident in your good taste,

I remain,

very sincerely yours,


Book release March 1! Sistertech’s Book of Uncommon Prayer

The Editor wants a few gentle tweaks here and there. Not that Sistertech thought the tome would require anything near the proofreading that was done on The Document. The all-nighter’s we had around here were not to be believed! It’s truly a miracle that any of us made it through it.

I’m taking the bold move of self-publishing. You see The Publishing Department is very busy now with an authorized re-release of The Document. You’d have thought The Document would be “dabble proof”, but apparently not. Every month or so there’s yet another authorized re-release of The Document. (There’s no telling how many unauthorized versions there are.)  Sistertech is fine with the version she has had for the past several hundred years, thank you. I  have no plans to switch “brands” at this late date. Do you suffer the same shock to your system when reading those so-called “new and improved” versions of the beloved Psalm 23?  “Mangled” is too kind a term. Every shred of poetry is wrenched from its verses.

There will not be this problem with Sistertech’s The Book of Uncommon Prayer. Sistertech’s magnum opus, I mean, manuscript, is a modest 200 or so pages. It is full of the most heartfelt, time honored prayers and passages from The Document. The guidance, inspiration, and comfort therein were especially written with the contemporary computer user in mind.  Who could find any reason to lay a revisionary hand upon it?

The release date is March 1. There was some concern about having the release during Lent. Once I assured The Legal Department that there was a fair amount of penitential material, they signed off on it.

Legal. Now they’re a quite a bunch! So many people are afraid of a summons from The Legal Department. Phooey! Sistertech has got them wrapped around her smallest pinion! Why they’re still going in circles over various alleged breaches made they think were made by our Creative Commons franchisees. They’d rather not see me waltzing through their doors. I told them in the beginning that it was a lost cause and that they should drop the matter entirely. It’s been years and they still have not rendered a decision about which of the “Some Rights Reserved” are actually reserved.

I’m planning a special surprise before the official release. Stay tuned!


Sistertech, as with all legitimate computer mavens, draws liquid sustenance from coffee. I’m a picky consumer. I have gone without (and had some near misses because of it) when I could not find an acceptable cup of coffee. The latest investment: a Cuisinart Supreme Burr Mill Coffee Bean Grinder.

It shocking, really, but there are other sisters in the community who adore coffee more than I do. Most notably, Sr. St. George. She narrowly escaped a blasphemy charge due to her coffee obsession, but that’s another story altogether. For her most recent birthday we planned a “Coffee Birthday” celebration, natürlich, which consisted of a truly decadent array of presents: a home espresso machine like this one only larger, a delightful Barack O Blend Presidential coffee from Hawaii, a tasty trip to the Blue Bottle kiosk in San Francisco, and Peets gift cards. So as to go over the top we did splurge for a half pound of Peet’s Kona, a favorite of Sr. St. George’s. Worth every bit at $50 lbs. I’m insanely yearning for Peet’s Jamaica Blue Mountain, myself. I can only explain it as a kind of dangerously expensive infatuation at $80 lbs. Fortunately, it’s practically impossible to get. Do tweet Sistertech if you see this magnificent coffee being offered at Peets online. Oh, yes. She received a CD, Music from the Coffee Lands.

And, of course, books galore.

There was I Love Coffee!: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks by Susan Zimmer, Espresso: Ultimate Coffee, Second Edition by Kenneth Davids, and last, but by no means least, God in a Cup: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Coffee by Michaele Wiessman. Those are the only books I recall at the moment. Which reminds me, I really ought to have Sr. St George share her coffee book reviews.