Those three words. “Do one thing”. Productivity blogs and hacks are ubiquitous on the Internet. And for a good reason: people need them! I can just imagine the myriad of ways the post could continue, “Do one thing and do it now!” or “Do one thing that can be done in 2 minutes”, and so forth.
But Sistertech cautions her clients that there is more to life than productivity. One of the senior Technicians just relayed to me something that she had been told by an Early Adopter, as we like to call them. This Technician was an early follower of The One In Charge. What she said was: “Do one thing for somebody else every day”. Without their having asked you to do it, without the fear of penalty or reward, without hoping that the same act shall be done unto you.
“Do one thing for somebody else every day.”
Now Sistertech, and the rest of the known cosmos, has been aware that we should “practice random acts of kindness”. But that saying, while, um, kindly, always seemed a bit too saccharine for spurring people to action in the difficult days in which we live and move and breathe.
No. We need something more direct. Something more firm. Something, well, more muscular and not so wimpy sounding. “Do one thing for somebody else every day.” It has a nice ring, doesn’t it? Easy to remember, too.
Have you thought yet of your “one thing”?